Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Greatest Lesson

If I were gone tomorrow
This one thing I’d want my kids to know
The greatest lesson is right before your eyes.
Live in the moment and leave the future for a surprise.
For no matter how much you plan and worry
Racing through each moment in such a hurry
You can’t change where you have been
And you can’t erase each and every wrong.

Remember always, you can’t see tomorrow
So you really can’t avoid the sorrow
But you can miss the joy of this time
While you are busy looking ahead or behind.
Let go of yesterday’s pain and especially the fear
Otherwise it all becomes more than you can bear.
Enjoy the many joyful times
And only come away with the lessons from the crimes.

Have hopes and dreams of course
But go with the flow, don’t force.
Like the limb bending in the breeze
If it were rigid, we’d have only broken trees.
The ship that rides gently in the ocean
Is the one that makes the most of the motion.
So, live fully and cherish each and every minute
Because it is only truly yours the second you are in it.

Yes, if I were gone tomorrow
My children, to avoid true sorrow
Stay in the moment instead of looking over your shoulder
Or before you know it you’ve done nothing but get older.
Experience each and every racing wave
Don’t miss a single ripple on your way to the grave.
And trust that the universe will be your guide
As long as love is along for the ride.

© Sheryl Skutelsky, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Is This Reality?

Think about all the things beyond our senses

That we cannot perceive

Then think about the rules and fences

In which we all believe.

Is this life true reality

In all its totality

Or is it an illusion

Built upon confusion?

All of our brains are made the same

Built from cells and electricity

The essence of our name

So complex, yet simplicity

What do we find

In our minds

Are we blind

To all the signs

There are hidden frequencies in the air

That with the right mode of reception

We can suddenly see and hear

They are no longer a place of deception.

So, is there another reality out there?

One we can’t yet perceive

Beyond the death we fear

In the Light we receive

We all want to believe that we are living for a reason

Despite the things we can’t understand

From season to following season

Is everything already planned?

Are there lessons to be learned

Is there a plan to all the madness?

Are there new levels to be earned

That will make sense of all the sadness?

We only have our senses

We know of only five

But through all the past tenses

There seems to be a sixth sense coming alive

This new reality

Seems to be born of love

And it has no finality

As it opens up the gates above.

© Sheryl A. Skutelsky, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Is My Mom in Heaven?

I've been having a continuing dialogue with my cousin in California. He became a Jew for Jesus many years ago, and one of his main arguments is that you can only find final salvation through Jesus. He bases this on the New Testament passage where Jesus states that he is "the way".

I have to say that I find it hard to believe that only Christians will be finding final salvation with the Lord. What about the millions of good people out there who are Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhists, or even agnostics and atheists? Does my cousin really believe that none of these good people can find heaven?

I know that all true Christians believe the same thing that my cousin is always preaching. However, through my research, I've found many books written on the topic of Christian mysticism. One thing that many scholars agree on is that Jesus, like many of the rabbis or teachers of his time, was most likely a student of Kabbalah. If you look at the New Testament as a work written by a student of Kabbalah, you can see Jesus in a whole new way.

Much of what Jesus taught can easily be traced to the "hidden" lessons that were verbally shared by the Kabbalists of his time. For instance, in stating the he is the way and the light, one could also look at it as his hidden meaning being that the "secrets" that he is teaching is the true way to God or the Light rather than belief in him. When asked if he is the son of God, He answers that the Romans are putting words in his mouth. Jesus continually pointed out that we are all children of the Light.

I have a very open mind toward all religions, but I do have a problem with any religion that states that it is the ONLY way to reach God. It is this very attitude that creates the lack of love in this world. One of Jesus' basic teachings is that we must love one another - saint and sinner alike.

My mother, for instance, was a wonderful, loving individual (May she rest in peace.) Last time I asked my cousin if he was certain that my mother is not in heaven right now, he answered that he was absolutely certain. I commend my cousin on his faith, but until his time comes to reconnect with his relatives after death, I find it very hard to understand his certaintly that my mother is not in heaven.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Secret is in the Sharing

Thousands and thousands of years ago
Ancient civilizations hid what they know
It’s really all about atoms and space
All born out of love and God’s grace

Religions were all created by men
The rules were written way back when
It’s the truth hidden behind the rules
That we can find with the right tools

Before it was all written down
Before mortal men wore God’s crown
It was already taught and known
But hidden from those with sins to atone

There’s energy within you and me
An energy that we cannot see
It’s in all things big and small
It miraculously connects one and all

We can’t see sound or radio waves
Or the sonar that bats use in caves
But we know this energy is definitely there
With a proper receptor it becomes very clear

Modern physics is first showing today
The secrets that were long hidden away
Science has already succeeded to prove
That thought can change the way atoms move

Many of the ancient stories tell
It’s not based on any magic spell
The energy from the beginning of time
Can make our lives quite sublime

The secret is in what you choose to do
With the energy you request to enter you
You can store it and use it for selfish needs
And suffer the consequences this now breeds

Or you can choose to share it as simple love
The way it was meant from up above
Share it and the world is a better place
You can see the result on each and every face

Everything that your heart desires
All the things that everyone admires
The world can be filled with peace
Let go of our egos and the evil will cease.

©Sheryl A. Skutelsky, 2009