(I wrote this last year for my son, Aaron, when he was going through some difficult times. However, I think anyone can find a few spiritual lessons upon reading it.
I wished for you, my child
From the day that you first smiled
That I could share all the knowledge
One can’t learn in college.
But just as you couldn’t know about fire
Like all of the knowledge you will acquire
It’s not a toy or game
You have to feel the heat of the flame.
Lessons don’t come easy
And you can’t learn them just to please me
No, lessons don’t come easy
It can bring you down, you see.
If I try to teach you from the heart
This is the one place that I’d first start
Nothing lasts forever
Even if you think you’re clever.
No matter how bad it sometimes seems
Still always follow your dreams
Because everything happens for a reason
Each life’s lesson has its season.
The older you grow
The faster the days go
Years fly by, nothing stands still
So cherish each and every thrill.
Energy is a part of our being
Don’t waste yours on the wrong thing
It’s all about how you look at each day
That will set the stage for the play,
Positive thoughts bring positive scenes
Negativity leads to the end of your dreams
Wake up each day with the light in mind
It can keep you from living your life so blind.
But remember, my child, lessons don’t come easy
And you can’t learn them just to please me
I just wish that you could somehow miss
At least some of the pain, so remember this ...
Love is the reason we’re all here
Let go of the terror, let go of the fear
And remember, my child, remember today
That the love of a parent can help light your way.
© 2009 Sheryl A. Skutelsky. All rights reserved.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Man's Plan
Ever hear that man makes a plan and sees God laugh
Ever wonder why if man can intercede on his own behalf?
When I was in my youth
Nothing seemed to make sense
Whether I told a lie or the truth
It seemed like plans unfolded at my expense.
The cost seemed too great
When I followed my own path
As I wondered if it was luck or fate
Being taught that it was the results of God’s awesome wrath.
Now several decades have passed by
And I’m starting to believe
That as time marches by
All our paths form a weave.
We can choose our reaction
Or follow our own passion
Looking for some satisfaction
In each and every action.
But if our heart is filled
With love and the desire to share
Our life’s dreams we can build
Without living filled with fear.
Yes, man makes his plans to win
And God answers with a knowing grin
Because first man must learn his lessons
And practice without obsession
To not make his mistakes twice
He must take the ancient sages’ advice.
Reaction is the key
To all of life’s trials and tests
Think before you do, look before you see
And try to live without regrets.
We’re not pieces on a chess board
Or actors in a play
Each scene moves us forward
So that we can envision
The proper decision
Where love will light the way.
© Sheryl Skutelsky, 2010. All rights reserved.
Ever wonder why if man can intercede on his own behalf?
When I was in my youth
Nothing seemed to make sense
Whether I told a lie or the truth
It seemed like plans unfolded at my expense.
The cost seemed too great
When I followed my own path
As I wondered if it was luck or fate
Being taught that it was the results of God’s awesome wrath.
Now several decades have passed by
And I’m starting to believe
That as time marches by
All our paths form a weave.
We can choose our reaction
Or follow our own passion
Looking for some satisfaction
In each and every action.
But if our heart is filled
With love and the desire to share
Our life’s dreams we can build
Without living filled with fear.
Yes, man makes his plans to win
And God answers with a knowing grin
Because first man must learn his lessons
And practice without obsession
To not make his mistakes twice
He must take the ancient sages’ advice.
Reaction is the key
To all of life’s trials and tests
Think before you do, look before you see
And try to live without regrets.
We’re not pieces on a chess board
Or actors in a play
Each scene moves us forward
So that we can envision
The proper decision
Where love will light the way.
© Sheryl Skutelsky, 2010. All rights reserved.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Addiction and Sprituality
With all the recent celebrity deaths in the media from overdoses of prescription drugs, one has to wonder what is missing in all these lives that open the door for such addictions.
Many years ago I did a paper that compared the Twelve Step Program of AA (or NA) to a religious code. The similarities were astonishing. One of the major steps for a recovering addict is to accept a power higher than themselves. Another is to make ammends with all those that the addict has hurt.
Spiritually speaking, what is missing in an addict's life is the ability to put the good of others before the selfish needs of self. In other words, if an addict could look to the Light of God for guidance, they would see the fulfillment that comes with doing things for the good of others rather than to satisfy their own ego.
Of course, this sounds simple, and we all know that it's not. However, just as most of the world's major religions teach, trusting God and treating others the way that we want to be treated is a great place for everyone to start.
Many years ago I did a paper that compared the Twelve Step Program of AA (or NA) to a religious code. The similarities were astonishing. One of the major steps for a recovering addict is to accept a power higher than themselves. Another is to make ammends with all those that the addict has hurt.
Spiritually speaking, what is missing in an addict's life is the ability to put the good of others before the selfish needs of self. In other words, if an addict could look to the Light of God for guidance, they would see the fulfillment that comes with doing things for the good of others rather than to satisfy their own ego.
Of course, this sounds simple, and we all know that it's not. However, just as most of the world's major religions teach, trusting God and treating others the way that we want to be treated is a great place for everyone to start.
life lessons,
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
What about Ego?
Ancient mysticism teaches that the ego was given to mankind so that the soul could have a reason to move forward, making corrections through acting upon desires. You see, there is no growth without change, and there is no change without the desire to move. Spiritual growth cannot take place if our desires are based only on selfish needs of the ego. So, here is my dilemma ... If we do things to satisfy our desires, how can we control our ego which is the very thing that feeds our desire. How are we supposed to control our ego while we grow?
I've often noticed that celebrities thank God when they are awarded for their success. Perhaps this is a clue to my dilemma. We need to remember where our talents come from. Judaism teaches that we are on this earth for "Tikkun Olam," to heal the world. How better to heal the world than to accomplish the very things that God has given us the talent to share while remembering where that talent originated.
For instance, I could ask myself why I am writing this blog. Naturally, I want as many people as possible to read it, but why? Is it to share my knowledge to help others or is it to get the satisfaction in knowing that people want to read what I have written. If it's for both reasons, how can I control my egotistical desires? The key is that I should always remember that my ability to write is a God given talent, and therefore I should use it to share with others in a way that will help the world. In this way, I am using the benefits of my writing ability for the good of others rather than for my own selfish reasons.
I sincerely hope that your ego will lead you to the ability to share your God given talents with others. Remember to trust your conscience as a guide to right and wrong ... both in your personal and in your private relationships ... and you can't go wrong. As long as your heart is in the right place, you will be using your ego in a way that brings you closer to a spiritual life.
I've often noticed that celebrities thank God when they are awarded for their success. Perhaps this is a clue to my dilemma. We need to remember where our talents come from. Judaism teaches that we are on this earth for "Tikkun Olam," to heal the world. How better to heal the world than to accomplish the very things that God has given us the talent to share while remembering where that talent originated.
For instance, I could ask myself why I am writing this blog. Naturally, I want as many people as possible to read it, but why? Is it to share my knowledge to help others or is it to get the satisfaction in knowing that people want to read what I have written. If it's for both reasons, how can I control my egotistical desires? The key is that I should always remember that my ability to write is a God given talent, and therefore I should use it to share with others in a way that will help the world. In this way, I am using the benefits of my writing ability for the good of others rather than for my own selfish reasons.
I sincerely hope that your ego will lead you to the ability to share your God given talents with others. Remember to trust your conscience as a guide to right and wrong ... both in your personal and in your private relationships ... and you can't go wrong. As long as your heart is in the right place, you will be using your ego in a way that brings you closer to a spiritual life.
Friday, March 5, 2010
It’s all about the Energy
Have you ever thought about what our bodies are actually made of? If you have, then the idea that I’m about to put forth may be one that has already occurred to you, but perhaps you never thought about it in quite this way. A large percentage of the human body is water, and water is an excellent conductor of the electric impulses that run through our minds and nerves. In other words, our bodies are largely energy. Have you ever wondered why some of us start each day with a lot more energy than others?
So often we waste energy. Try to picture yourself holding all your energy in your hands. What is the best way to make use of it? If you think of it as something very valuable like money, you certainly won’t want to waste any of it. Yet, that’s what most of us do each day.
One of the greatest spiritual lessons found in almost all of the major religions is that we should put our trust in God. Ever wonder why? It’s all about the energy. If we begin with the basic premise that God is the source of all our energy, it then becomes clear that man’s freedom of choice is in his ability to choose what to do with this energy. Our thoughts are energy, and negative thoughts such as worrying, obsessing, stressing out … they all use an incredible amount of our energy. Does worrying change anything? Of course not, but most of us seem to do it none the less.
We have all experienced the fact that everything in life is sweeter when we can appreciate it and share it. Well, the same is true of God’s energy. So, the next time you are obsessing over plans gone awry or over reacting to a difficult situation, remember it is totally your choice as to whether or not you want to waste your most valuable resource. Let go of the worry and fear, and you’ll be amazed at how much energy you have left, and how much better you’ll feel about yourself.
So often we waste energy. Try to picture yourself holding all your energy in your hands. What is the best way to make use of it? If you think of it as something very valuable like money, you certainly won’t want to waste any of it. Yet, that’s what most of us do each day.
One of the greatest spiritual lessons found in almost all of the major religions is that we should put our trust in God. Ever wonder why? It’s all about the energy. If we begin with the basic premise that God is the source of all our energy, it then becomes clear that man’s freedom of choice is in his ability to choose what to do with this energy. Our thoughts are energy, and negative thoughts such as worrying, obsessing, stressing out … they all use an incredible amount of our energy. Does worrying change anything? Of course not, but most of us seem to do it none the less.
We have all experienced the fact that everything in life is sweeter when we can appreciate it and share it. Well, the same is true of God’s energy. So, the next time you are obsessing over plans gone awry or over reacting to a difficult situation, remember it is totally your choice as to whether or not you want to waste your most valuable resource. Let go of the worry and fear, and you’ll be amazed at how much energy you have left, and how much better you’ll feel about yourself.
life lessons,
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The Greatest Lesson
If I were gone tomorrow
This one thing I’d want my kids to know
The greatest lesson is right before your eyes.
Live in the moment and leave the future for a surprise.
For no matter how much you plan and worry
Racing through each moment in such a hurry
You can’t change where you have been
And you can’t erase each and every wrong.
Remember always, you can’t see tomorrow
So you really can’t avoid the sorrow
But you can miss the joy of this time
While you are busy looking ahead or behind.
Let go of yesterday’s pain and especially the fear
Otherwise it all becomes more than you can bear.
Enjoy the many joyful times
And only come away with the lessons from the crimes.
Have hopes and dreams of course
But go with the flow, don’t force.
Like the limb bending in the breeze
If it were rigid, we’d have only broken trees.
The ship that rides gently in the ocean
Is the one that makes the most of the motion.
So, live fully and cherish each and every minute
Because it is only truly yours the second you are in it.
Yes, if I were gone tomorrow
My children, to avoid true sorrow
Stay in the moment instead of looking over your shoulder
Or before you know it you’ve done nothing but get older.
Experience each and every racing wave
Don’t miss a single ripple on your way to the grave.
And trust that the universe will be your guide
As long as love is along for the ride.
© Sheryl Skutelsky, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Is This Reality?
Think about all the things beyond our senses
That we cannot perceive
Then think about the rules and fences
In which we all believe.
Is this life true reality
In all its totality
Or is it an illusion
Built upon confusion?
All of our brains are made the same
Built from cells and electricity
The essence of our name
So complex, yet simplicity
What do we find
In our minds
Are we blind
To all the signs
There are hidden frequencies in the air
That with the right mode of reception
We can suddenly see and hear
They are no longer a place of deception.
So, is there another reality out there?
One we can’t yet perceive
Beyond the death we fear
In the Light we receive
We all want to believe that we are living for a reason
Despite the things we can’t understand
From season to following season
Is everything already planned?
Are there lessons to be learned
Is there a plan to all the madness?
Are there new levels to be earned
That will make sense of all the sadness?
We only have our senses
We know of only five
But through all the past tenses
There seems to be a sixth sense coming alive
This new reality
Seems to be born of love
And it has no finality
As it opens up the gates above.
© Sheryl A. Skutelsky, 2010
That we cannot perceive
Then think about the rules and fences
In which we all believe.
Is this life true reality
In all its totality
Or is it an illusion
Built upon confusion?
All of our brains are made the same
Built from cells and electricity
The essence of our name
So complex, yet simplicity
What do we find
In our minds
Are we blind
To all the signs
There are hidden frequencies in the air
That with the right mode of reception
We can suddenly see and hear
They are no longer a place of deception.
So, is there another reality out there?
One we can’t yet perceive
Beyond the death we fear
In the Light we receive
We all want to believe that we are living for a reason
Despite the things we can’t understand
From season to following season
Is everything already planned?
Are there lessons to be learned
Is there a plan to all the madness?
Are there new levels to be earned
That will make sense of all the sadness?
We only have our senses
We know of only five
But through all the past tenses
There seems to be a sixth sense coming alive
This new reality
Seems to be born of love
And it has no finality
As it opens up the gates above.
© Sheryl A. Skutelsky, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Is My Mom in Heaven?
I've been having a continuing dialogue with my cousin in California. He became a Jew for Jesus many years ago, and one of his main arguments is that you can only find final salvation through Jesus. He bases this on the New Testament passage where Jesus states that he is "the way".
I have to say that I find it hard to believe that only Christians will be finding final salvation with the Lord. What about the millions of good people out there who are Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhists, or even agnostics and atheists? Does my cousin really believe that none of these good people can find heaven?
I know that all true Christians believe the same thing that my cousin is always preaching. However, through my research, I've found many books written on the topic of Christian mysticism. One thing that many scholars agree on is that Jesus, like many of the rabbis or teachers of his time, was most likely a student of Kabbalah. If you look at the New Testament as a work written by a student of Kabbalah, you can see Jesus in a whole new way.
Much of what Jesus taught can easily be traced to the "hidden" lessons that were verbally shared by the Kabbalists of his time. For instance, in stating the he is the way and the light, one could also look at it as his hidden meaning being that the "secrets" that he is teaching is the true way to God or the Light rather than belief in him. When asked if he is the son of God, He answers that the Romans are putting words in his mouth. Jesus continually pointed out that we are all children of the Light.
I have a very open mind toward all religions, but I do have a problem with any religion that states that it is the ONLY way to reach God. It is this very attitude that creates the lack of love in this world. One of Jesus' basic teachings is that we must love one another - saint and sinner alike.
My mother, for instance, was a wonderful, loving individual (May she rest in peace.) Last time I asked my cousin if he was certain that my mother is not in heaven right now, he answered that he was absolutely certain. I commend my cousin on his faith, but until his time comes to reconnect with his relatives after death, I find it very hard to understand his certaintly that my mother is not in heaven.
I have to say that I find it hard to believe that only Christians will be finding final salvation with the Lord. What about the millions of good people out there who are Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhists, or even agnostics and atheists? Does my cousin really believe that none of these good people can find heaven?
I know that all true Christians believe the same thing that my cousin is always preaching. However, through my research, I've found many books written on the topic of Christian mysticism. One thing that many scholars agree on is that Jesus, like many of the rabbis or teachers of his time, was most likely a student of Kabbalah. If you look at the New Testament as a work written by a student of Kabbalah, you can see Jesus in a whole new way.
Much of what Jesus taught can easily be traced to the "hidden" lessons that were verbally shared by the Kabbalists of his time. For instance, in stating the he is the way and the light, one could also look at it as his hidden meaning being that the "secrets" that he is teaching is the true way to God or the Light rather than belief in him. When asked if he is the son of God, He answers that the Romans are putting words in his mouth. Jesus continually pointed out that we are all children of the Light.
I have a very open mind toward all religions, but I do have a problem with any religion that states that it is the ONLY way to reach God. It is this very attitude that creates the lack of love in this world. One of Jesus' basic teachings is that we must love one another - saint and sinner alike.
My mother, for instance, was a wonderful, loving individual (May she rest in peace.) Last time I asked my cousin if he was certain that my mother is not in heaven right now, he answered that he was absolutely certain. I commend my cousin on his faith, but until his time comes to reconnect with his relatives after death, I find it very hard to understand his certaintly that my mother is not in heaven.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Secret is in the Sharing
Thousands and thousands of years ago
Ancient civilizations hid what they know
It’s really all about atoms and space
All born out of love and God’s grace
Religions were all created by men
The rules were written way back when
It’s the truth hidden behind the rules
That we can find with the right tools
Before it was all written down
Before mortal men wore God’s crown
It was already taught and known
But hidden from those with sins to atone
There’s energy within you and me
An energy that we cannot see
It’s in all things big and small
It miraculously connects one and all
We can’t see sound or radio waves
Or the sonar that bats use in caves
But we know this energy is definitely there
With a proper receptor it becomes very clear
Modern physics is first showing today
The secrets that were long hidden away
Science has already succeeded to prove
That thought can change the way atoms move
Many of the ancient stories tell
It’s not based on any magic spell
The energy from the beginning of time
Can make our lives quite sublime
The secret is in what you choose to do
With the energy you request to enter you
You can store it and use it for selfish needs
And suffer the consequences this now breeds
Or you can choose to share it as simple love
The way it was meant from up above
Share it and the world is a better place
You can see the result on each and every face
Everything that your heart desires
All the things that everyone admires
The world can be filled with peace
Let go of our egos and the evil will cease.
©Sheryl A. Skutelsky, 2009
Ancient civilizations hid what they know
It’s really all about atoms and space
All born out of love and God’s grace
Religions were all created by men
The rules were written way back when
It’s the truth hidden behind the rules
That we can find with the right tools
Before it was all written down
Before mortal men wore God’s crown
It was already taught and known
But hidden from those with sins to atone
There’s energy within you and me
An energy that we cannot see
It’s in all things big and small
It miraculously connects one and all
We can’t see sound or radio waves
Or the sonar that bats use in caves
But we know this energy is definitely there
With a proper receptor it becomes very clear
Modern physics is first showing today
The secrets that were long hidden away
Science has already succeeded to prove
That thought can change the way atoms move
Many of the ancient stories tell
It’s not based on any magic spell
The energy from the beginning of time
Can make our lives quite sublime
The secret is in what you choose to do
With the energy you request to enter you
You can store it and use it for selfish needs
And suffer the consequences this now breeds
Or you can choose to share it as simple love
The way it was meant from up above
Share it and the world is a better place
You can see the result on each and every face
Everything that your heart desires
All the things that everyone admires
The world can be filled with peace
Let go of our egos and the evil will cease.
©Sheryl A. Skutelsky, 2009
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Why Me?

We've all heard the idea that you can look at a glass half empty or half full. Well in the same sense, spiritually speaking, you can look at your troubles as a blessing or a curse. It's all up to you and how you choose to veiw life. So, next time you find yourself asking "why me?" replace that thought with "what lesson am I suppose to be learning here?"
Our attitude toward life is our biggest spiritual tool. You can face each obstacle with a positive thought if you remember that everything in life happens for a reason. Each event or person in our life is there to teach us a lesson or to allow us to touch another person and help them to learn their lesson. If you've read some of the spiritual literature out there, you're already familiar with the concept that nothing in life is a coincidence. Each situation is placed before us by the Light (that is the energy of God) for a reason. Our attitude and choice in each situation is our gift. It is our God given freedom of choice.
Try to think of your life as a movie with several possible plot lines. All the plot lines have already been written. It is the choice you make at each scene change that determines which plot line you take next. You can run through the maze of plot lines in total chaos while hoping that you reach the end without taking the same wrong path over and over again, or you can stop at each crossroad and think about your next move so that you can choose the most sensible route.
In other words, the key to the question of "why me?" is the ability to stop yourself within each drama in your life in order to see why the Light has put you in your present situation. For instance, if you are in the middle of an arguement with your neighbor, you need to learn how to take a few seconds to stop yourself and ask why are you so upset with this person. What are you here right now to learn?
Often you will find yourself upset during a dramatic scene with your spouse, children, friend, boss or coworker. Your blood pressure is up and your adrenalin is pumping. There is a reason for this. Your body is reacting to a difficult situation that you have been placed in so that you can become aware of your choices and come out a better person on the other side. Are you are upset with the other person because he or she is pointing out something within yourself that you need to change? True maturity comes when you learn how to stop yourself before reacting, and in those few precious seconds, place yourself in the other person's shoes. Where are each of you coming from and what can each of you learn?
So, next time you find yourself thinking why me, try to be thankful for this very situation because it is in the most difficult situations that true change can take place and the most valuable lessons can be learned, but only if you can step back and look at your troubles as a spiritual opportunity for growth. It's not easy, but then it's not suppose to be. However, with practice the habit or restriction and proaction can become your normal way to handle life's stresses, and this my friend, is one of the keys to a happier life. Remember what your parents told you. "Treat others the way that you want them to treat you."
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
What Does Kabbalah Teach?

As we ended 2009 we continued to see and hear things about Kaballah. It seems that such stars as Madonna, Elizabeth Taylor, Winona Ryder, Jeff Goldblum, Courtney Love and Roseanne Barr were all the latest devotees. However, how many of us really know anything about Kaballah? For those of you that don't have a clue, here's a very brief introduction.
Kaballah is based on an ancient book called The Zohar which predates the birth of Christ. A matter of fact, many scholars believe that Jesus was a student of Kabbalah, and he drew many of his teachings from its wisdom. Basically, Kabbalists believe that everything was created from energy referred to as The Light. The Light constantly filters down to man at the lowest level through Sefirot, or attributes of the Light.
Kabbalah in its simplest form teaches that the Light is in each and every man and woman, or in other words, God is in each one of us. We were created so that the Light could share, but in receiving endless Light, mankind (the vessel of receiving) wanted to give back in the likeness of the Light. The Light's sole desire is to fill the vessel with endless Light. Mankind, the vessel, needed to feel a lack or desire in order to be filled up. Thus, man was given his ego. The ego is the key to all desire.
Now, here's the key. Man was given free will in order to give back in the likeness of the Light. Each of us can choose to receive the Light in order to fulfill our own ego or in order to share in the likeness of the Light. Basically, Kabbalah teaches that mankind must exercise restriction. Each of us must stop and think what we want to do with the endless Light as we receive it. It is our choice to use the Light for the selfish desires of the ego or for sharing with others.
Here's a great way to think about this in simple terms. Picture each person (the vessel) as a light bulb. Energy has a negative charge and a positive charge. If the two are restricted from meeting through the filament of the light bulb, the result is light. However, if there is no restriction between the positive and negatively charged energy, the result is that the bulb blows out causing it to turn black, prohibiting the light. Kabbalah teaches that there is positive energy flowing into our right side and negative energy flowing into our left side. It is our choice to use restriction in the center by choosing how to use this energy.
The bottom line is that this energy of creation flowing through every atom is Love. Kabbalah, the ancient wisdom that has lately been attracting stars and average folk alike, in its simplest form teaches us that the world can be changed if each and every one of us chooses to use The Light (God's Love) to share with each other rather than for our own selfish desires of the ego. Want to change the world? Then reject the selfish desires of your ego, and love your fellow man. That's Kabbalah's most basic teaching. Of course, there's a lot more that can be learned and thousands of books on the subject. If you're intereted, www.kabbalah.com is a great place to start.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Feeling the New Wave of Spirituality

I turn on the television, and I find all the stars talking about their new found spirituality. Everyone is preaching their own version, but there seems to be one common thread ... Love will conquer all. Now you have to admit that you really can't argue with that.
However, there's a little more to it. I've spent the last 20 years reading every book that came my way on this very topic. There's the religious version, the mystic version, the yoga version, etc., etc. They all seem to agree with various ancient books stating exactly what science has recently proved; everything is pretty much an illusion formed out of atoms - protons, electrons, and now even smaller particles like quarks - and energy bonds.
So, what makes it all work in unison. Ah, that's the age old question. Is it God? Is it spirit? Is it coincidence? The latest findings show that if a particle is disturbed in one place, it actually effects a particle elsewhere. The scientists have even proven that our thoughts can change the energy pattern in common water. What could this mean?
Most of the ancient books written in the pre-Christian era, state that all particles are actually connected, and that one universal form of energy flows through them all. If this is true, can this really mean that each of our thoughts can effect the entire world?
Look around you at all the destructive events in the world today. Could the ancient books be right? Is our negativity the cause of all the pain in the world? If this is true, then the current spiritual paradigm is the only thing that can save us. I often wonder what would happen if each of us could simply follow the "Golden" rule; "Love thy neighbor as you would have your neighbor love you."
One little problem with this, though. What about man's ego? According to many of the ancient books, man was put on this earth with an ego that provides the opportunity for each individual to choose between good and evil. Our body wants everything for itself, while our spirit yearns to share with others because we are all connected. The secret ingredient is to make a conscious choice each and every second to use the positive energy for the good of others or for our own selfish desires. Choose to share for the glory of God (or the Light or universal energy or whatever you choose to call it), and the world will become a place of peace and love.
It sounds simple, doesn't it? Just imagine a world where everyone put their fellow man (or woman) first. According to both religious and non-religious sources, we are heading to this glorious time. The Zohar (the ancient book of Kabbalah), The Bible (both Isaiah in the Old Testament and Revelation in the New), and Nostradomous (just to name a few) all predict that after much trial and tribulation, there will be a spiritual awakening here on earth that will lead to such an age of peace on earth.
Interested in this topic. Check back regularly, as I continue with my thoughts from my research into the rise of spirituality in the coming years.

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