We've all heard the idea that you can look at a glass half empty or half full. Well in the same sense, spiritually speaking, you can look at your troubles as a blessing or a curse. It's all up to you and how you choose to veiw life. So, next time you find yourself asking "why me?" replace that thought with "what lesson am I suppose to be learning here?"
Our attitude toward life is our biggest spiritual tool. You can face each obstacle with a positive thought if you remember that everything in life happens for a reason. Each event or person in our life is there to teach us a lesson or to allow us to touch another person and help them to learn their lesson. If you've read some of the spiritual literature out there, you're already familiar with the concept that nothing in life is a coincidence. Each situation is placed before us by the Light (that is the energy of God) for a reason. Our attitude and choice in each situation is our gift. It is our God given freedom of choice.
Try to think of your life as a movie with several possible plot lines. All the plot lines have already been written. It is the choice you make at each scene change that determines which plot line you take next. You can run through the maze of plot lines in total chaos while hoping that you reach the end without taking the same wrong path over and over again, or you can stop at each crossroad and think about your next move so that you can choose the most sensible route.
In other words, the key to the question of "why me?" is the ability to stop yourself within each drama in your life in order to see why the Light has put you in your present situation. For instance, if you are in the middle of an arguement with your neighbor, you need to learn how to take a few seconds to stop yourself and ask why are you so upset with this person. What are you here right now to learn?
Often you will find yourself upset during a dramatic scene with your spouse, children, friend, boss or coworker. Your blood pressure is up and your adrenalin is pumping. There is a reason for this. Your body is reacting to a difficult situation that you have been placed in so that you can become aware of your choices and come out a better person on the other side. Are you are upset with the other person because he or she is pointing out something within yourself that you need to change? True maturity comes when you learn how to stop yourself before reacting, and in those few precious seconds, place yourself in the other person's shoes. Where are each of you coming from and what can each of you learn?
So, next time you find yourself thinking why me, try to be thankful for this very situation because it is in the most difficult situations that true change can take place and the most valuable lessons can be learned, but only if you can step back and look at your troubles as a spiritual opportunity for growth. It's not easy, but then it's not suppose to be. However, with practice the habit or restriction and proaction can become your normal way to handle life's stresses, and this my friend, is one of the keys to a happier life. Remember what your parents told you. "Treat others the way that you want them to treat you."
Hi Sheryl, It's amazing how many spiritual discussions end up talking about light. The Kaballah, which I'm not familar with, sounds like it is aligned with my beliefs, one God many paths. The supreme being is in everything, light, spirit, whatever you call it. I like what you are sharing. I would love your feedback on my blog, Daily Spritual Tools. Visit if you can. Namaste, Sherry