I turn on the television, and I find all the stars talking about their new found spirituality. Everyone is preaching their own version, but there seems to be one common thread ... Love will conquer all. Now you have to admit that you really can't argue with that.
However, there's a little more to it. I've spent the last 20 years reading every book that came my way on this very topic. There's the religious version, the mystic version, the yoga version, etc., etc. They all seem to agree with various ancient books stating exactly what science has recently proved; everything is pretty much an illusion formed out of atoms - protons, electrons, and now even smaller particles like quarks - and energy bonds.
So, what makes it all work in unison. Ah, that's the age old question. Is it God? Is it spirit? Is it coincidence? The latest findings show that if a particle is disturbed in one place, it actually effects a particle elsewhere. The scientists have even proven that our thoughts can change the energy pattern in common water. What could this mean?
Most of the ancient books written in the pre-Christian era, state that all particles are actually connected, and that one universal form of energy flows through them all. If this is true, can this really mean that each of our thoughts can effect the entire world?
Look around you at all the destructive events in the world today. Could the ancient books be right? Is our negativity the cause of all the pain in the world? If this is true, then the current spiritual paradigm is the only thing that can save us. I often wonder what would happen if each of us could simply follow the "Golden" rule; "Love thy neighbor as you would have your neighbor love you."
One little problem with this, though. What about man's ego? According to many of the ancient books, man was put on this earth with an ego that provides the opportunity for each individual to choose between good and evil. Our body wants everything for itself, while our spirit yearns to share with others because we are all connected. The secret ingredient is to make a conscious choice each and every second to use the positive energy for the good of others or for our own selfish desires. Choose to share for the glory of God (or the Light or universal energy or whatever you choose to call it), and the world will become a place of peace and love.
It sounds simple, doesn't it? Just imagine a world where everyone put their fellow man (or woman) first. According to both religious and non-religious sources, we are heading to this glorious time. The Zohar (the ancient book of Kabbalah), The Bible (both Isaiah in the Old Testament and Revelation in the New), and Nostradomous (just to name a few) all predict that after much trial and tribulation, there will be a spiritual awakening here on earth that will lead to such an age of peace on earth.
Interested in this topic. Check back regularly, as I continue with my thoughts from my research into the rise of spirituality in the coming years.

Very interesting site. I'll be back to read the archive's when I have more time. I hope I can pick you up on my Google Reader.